Monday, January 17, 2011

The Comeback

By Robert Aguilar

The old cliché says it is never too late to make a comeback, no one believes this more than Roberto Juarez. Roberto is a 27 year old prospect who is confident he can win it all in this upcoming 2011 Golden Gloves tournament. His story is a compelling one that is inspiring and heartfelt, the kind of stuff sports movies are made of. We can all relate to his story, at one point or another we have been at a crossroad in our lives. You can either risk it all and win big or second guess yourself and regret never taking that chance.

Roberto started boxing in 2004, he had never boxed before. It all started one day; he was walking along one afternoon in Brooklyn when he came across a local boxing gym. It was at this gym where he met his first trainer. We’ll call this trainer Jimmy, Jimmy couldn’t believe Roberto had no prior training. Jimmy was so impressed with Roberto that he felt Roberto had a good chance of winning The Ringside International Tournament in 2005 which was held in Kansas. Roberto was excited about the opportunity and willingly hit the road. He drove from New York to Kansas with three hundred dollars in his pocket. Jimmy said he would meet him in Kansas in a couple of days. When Roberto arrived in Kansas it was a Sunday afternoon and he called his trainer Jimmy, this call will forever be etched in Roberto’s memory. During this call Jimmy informed Roberto that he would not be making it to Kansas and the he would have to find someone to work his corner. There he was, in Kansas, without a trainer and only three hundred bucks in his pocket that he needed to stretch for a week. His first fight was on Tuesday that week by then his three hundred dollars was running low; he had to pay for his hotel and food. He easily won all his fights and made it to the semi finals. His semi final match was scheduled for Thursday, Roberto has impressed fighter and spectators, there was a buzz about him, and the word around the tournament was that Roberto would make it to the finals and possibly win it all. There was only one obstacle standing in his way, hunger. He had no money and could not buy dinner the night before and no money for breakfast for the morning of his semi final fight. The only food he ate that morning was cookies and coffee and that was because they were free at the hotel. Roberto remembers that morning, he felt weak, tired and very nervous. That afternoon Roberto lost a close decision. He was devastated by the loss, devastated by the situation he found himself in, at that moment he felt alone. It was in that solitude that he realized what he had actually accomplished. He went into his first tournament feet first, alone, with no guidance, no trainer, three hundred dollars and almost no food to eat. Yet he made it to the semi finals.

Things are different today; Roberto will be fighting in the 2011 New York City Golden Gloves tournament. He has a great trainer and backing from the Sadam Ali Boxing Club. Roberto Juarez is a fighter to keep an eye on, he will be a mega star, remember where you read it first.

The Golden Gloves is where it all begins; there are no million dollar contracts here. The fighters don’t get paid; they do it for the glory, passion and the love of the sport. We should all know the names of these fighters like we know the names of players in the college basketball and football leagues. Support the fighters who participate in these tournaments, you just might see the birth of the next boxing star.

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